Monday, September 10, 2007

The Gateway Fountains

A few weeks ago my mom, Elise and I went down to the Gateway for some shopping and thought we'd let Elise give the fountians a try. She liked it and walked around a lot, I just followed behind to make sure she didn't get trampled. Then I heard some music go off that was from the olympics (the one with MoTab, it kind of sounds like opera) and all the fountains went off at once. Elise started to cry, we were just trying to get out there alive. Oh and did I mention I was trying to take a picture with my phone when the gush of water came up! It hasn't been the same since. :( All in all it was fun, we did have to strip Elise down to her diaper and wring her clothes out when we got to the car though.


cami said...

Are those pictures taken with your phone. If so, you have an awesome camera on your phone. Elise looks so big.

Jessica said...

Elise looks so big!

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