Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fall Break Part 2

Lately Elise has been obsessed with Shoes! She will bring you your shoes (and she knows which shoes are mine and which shoes are Brian's!) Now she will also try shoes on. As you can see here she is doing a "Shoe with in a shoe idea."

While we were in Arizona we went to Las Vegas on our way home and stayed there for a few days. Mainly because BYU was playing UNLV that weekend. So while the guys went to the game we did what Wells Women do best, Shop!

It was kind of cool, they have a runway in the middle of the mall outside Macy's. But the runway would come out of the floor, and then disappear as if from no where! This is a picture of Elise dancing on the table while the models came down the runway. She danced there until the security gard came and "sternly' told me that wasn't a good idea. Oops!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh, I wish I could have seen Elise dance on the table! Even if it "wasn't a very good idea." :) Glad you guys could take a break and get out of town.

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