Thursday, March 6, 2008

What do you think

Well I have my ultrasound date, March 25th. For those of you that don't know that's my birthday! I didn't plan it like that, it seriously just fell into place like that. Which is kind of funny because we found out Elise was a girl on my Mom's birthday. So I thought it might be fun to do a poll and see what you guys think were having. Now for those of you that don't leave comments etc you can vote with out a log in etc. So please leave your vote. I'm curious what all you guys think were going to have. For the record though Brian and I are clueless to what this child is, with Elise Brian just kind of knew it was going to be a girl. This kid we've got nothing, so maybe some of you might know. Thanks and have a great day!

1 comment:

Allie said...

I'm goin to guess another girl!

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