Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy 6 Monthday!

My Melody turned 6 months! She is progressing so well, I'm so proud of my baby. She can sit up, hold her own bottle, grab anything in front of her, and responds to any happy face! The doctor was so impressed with her smiling face and her big blue eyes.
So here's the stats:
Height: 27 inches (90%)
Weight: 15.8 lbs. (50%)
Head: 16.4 inches (50%)
She still won't roll over, and has only scooted once. So no signs of being mobile, I have no problem with that!
But everything else looks great!
Yay Melody!


Jen said...

What a cutie! Way to go big girl.

Cami said...

She is SO cute! I love her little toes sticking out of the hole.

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