Thursday, April 30, 2009

Catch up post....

I painted Elise's toes for the first time. When you ask her what color they are she says "pretty."
I love how my children help me look tan :)

My girls are growing up so beautifully!

This last weekend we helped at a dance competition by lining up all the dancers before they go on stage. (we only do this for Brandi and Brandi only!) We were there on Friday for 5 hours and Saturday for 12! We were so exhausted by the end. My parents took care of the girls for all of the competition but they dropped them off around the end of Saturday. Elise was so cute dancing to the music, she also found this hool-a-hoop and drug it around with her for the rest of the night. She's was a little confused and kept calling it a rope? Oh well it did keep her entertained though! I'm really excited to get her started in dance soon. She's already started to talk about her birthday and she keeps saying she's getting dance shoes for her birthday and a princess cake.

So here's the update on us for now. May is going to be a really crazy month with 2 weddings, Brian graduating and going to Arizona! I'm so excited!


Brandi said...

I love the video of Elise, and I LOVE you guys for helping me out last weekend. You seriously have the hardest job of the whole competition and yet you both do it with a laugh and smile on your face. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Oh and P.S> I totally got Elise to do shuffle steps while she was on stage helping me hand out trophies :)

Katies Korner said...

Your going to Arizona?? When? We are too! Lily misses Elise! She said again today that she wanted to play with her and started walking over to the apartment, which resulted in me telling her you moved. May is crazy for us too, but we should try and get together!

Jen said...

Elise and Melody are SO cute! I can't wait to see y'all!!! I just wish is was sooner than 3 wks, that seems so long. I'm pumped y'all are coming out after the wedding, what fun. love ya

The Steeds said...

Your house is super cute! I just love it. Where are you living now? Me email is PS- I just love that little office space in the master!

Jessica said...

Agreed. Your girls are beautiful. Sophie REALLY likes the movie of Elise dancing, we've watched it at least 10 times already. :) We miss you! We hope to come out while Matt and Cami are there this summer. Maybe even over Elise's birthday!

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