Friday, December 24, 2010

SWAT Team on my Street!

The morning of the 23rd was a little crazy for us. Brian opened the blinds in our bedroom to check if it was cloudy and we see two cop cars in front of our house. So naturally we watched them for a few minutes to see what was going on. Before we knew it they had their assault rifles out and were heading to a house down the street. I called a few neighbors to see what was going on. Their was a domestic dispute going on and a man had a gun holding his baby hostage.
Before we knew it the SWAT team was here!
The maroon house is actually a neighbors house. He was on the front porch with the baby. The SWAT team is standing at the ready.

SWAT team on the golf course behind the house. The neighbor was still in the house. SWAT team eventually did get him out.

Deploying the SWAT team. That was only about half of them. They were all over our street.

Not everyday you see a member of the SWAT team walk in front of your house!

Setting up a road block.

We watched all this from Elise's window

They set up the command center at the church parking lot.
Luckily everyone is safe. He gave up the baby and eventually surrendered. Brian went over to see the neighbor (The owner of the maroon house) after it was over. He was home by himself because his wife is out of town. Brian brought him some food and sat with him until the police needed to question him. Brian never thought he'd have to do something like this when he was called to Elders Quorum President. We had news cameras set up in the field behind our house, and cops about every 10 feet!
Now for the record I still think Eagle Mountain is a great and safe place to live. Domestic disputes happen everywhere, you can't truly avoid it. I'm glad I have great neighbors I could call and rely on to help us know what's happening. We really do have a great neighborhood.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Hope your holidays are as fun as ours have been!

Can't say he isn't creative!

Brian made a dragon with the girls blocks yesterday. The girls named him toothless, from "How to Train your Dragon." Or as Elise calls it, "The Dragon Casey Junior Ride Movie." Ya I have no idea either. Brian has always given me a hard time since I told him he's not a "handy guy." Sorry sweetheart but I consider this creative, not handy. Still impressive though!

Can you tell Brian tried to take this picture by himself? ")

Busy Elise

Elise always keeps us busy, but this last week she really did a good job of keeping Mom and Dad on the go. She had her Dance showcase and her Preschool Christmas Program the same week.
She did great at her Dance Showcase. It's just a small 30 minute program showing technique and a cute dance at the end.
They started with ballet.

Then busted out the tap! :)
They danced to "All I Want for Christmas is my 2 Front Teeth."

Then the next day Elise had her Preschool Christmas Program

It was in a gym and the lighting was terrible. This was really the best picture we got.

Elise did great! She is trying really hard at dance and sang her heart out at her preschool program. Love you my Eliseie Girl!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Share your talents

Brian and I shared our talents at our ward talent show. We did a tap routine together and then Brian did his unforgettable Napoleon Dynamite routine.

Before we even left the church people had already put it up on You tube! Brian did a great job. We are always looking for good excuses to share our tapping talents. :) The guy who said the closing prayer even mentioned Brian specifically in the prayer. Too funny!

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