Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oooooh ooooooh LETS GO FLY A KITE!

Elise has been dying to fly a kite these last few days, and we just happened to have the worlds best kite flyer coming into town! Uncle Matt! (AKA Mac a Mac)

He tried a new technique this time, a fishing pole! It worked great, the girls were able to hold on really easily.

We had to document Elise being daring, this is a rare occasion!

After kite flying we stopped to visit Great Aunt Doris at her new assisted living center. The girls discovered the TV in the common area. I think they were watching Legally Blonde. During the day we had our yearly cousins camp, but I had 2 photographers there so I never pulled out my camera. When they post those pictures on their blogs I'll steal them and put them up for your enjoyment. :o)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

We had such a fabulous time! Your girls know their way around a playground. Their climbing skills put my girls to shame! I think it's Brian's good/bad example. :)

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