My Raymond turned 9 months! I took him for his well baby check up, and he's doing awesome! The NP was very impressed with his size! Here are his stats.
Height; 30.2 inches (100%) Dang Boy!
Weight: 19.3 lbs. (50%)
Head: 18.3 inches (90%)
Yup Super long and skinny with a huge cranium!
I was shocked that you could actually be in the 100% for anything!
He is crawling and as you can see from the first picture, pulling himself up on things too. He's working hard on feeding himself. He's ALWAYS hungry! I'm not used to a kid that eats! He'll have his 6 oz. of formula in the morning and then like a waffle and banana. He's saying dada, mama, and nana. He's such a happy boy, and turning into a boy. Curious, wiggly, and into everything! I love, love, LOVE my Baby Ray sooooo much!