Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Ray Ray!

 My Baby Ray turned 1! He was lucky enough that his birthday fell on his sisters dance recital. (Sorry buddy, but get used to your sisters dance taking over our lives. :) Good thing he's young and won't remember. We did a little get together with Brian's family afterwords. He was of course spoiled, and I didn't get pictures of half the stuff he got. Also don't judge me on his cake. It was really cute, until it feel into the sink. After that it just looked pathetic. Like I said, good thing he wont remember it. :)


Since my family was already in Pagosa Springs for his birthday, we celebrated again when we got there (a day later) Lucky boy, he got to celebrate his birthday twice!

I think he had a good time. :) 

I'm so proud of my baby boy! He's now a crawling fool. Not quiet ready for walking, unless he's assisted by someone or furniture. He's such a happy baby. His smile just melts my heart. I never thought my son would have such a special place in my heart. Plus he LOVES his mama. :) He can feed himself really well, and we haven't found anything he won't eat. Plus he eats all the time. It's nice to have a good eater finally. He's getting into everything more and more. I just love my big boy!

He had his 12 month check up, and yup he's super tall and skinny.
Height: 31 inches 90%
Weight: 21.7 lbs 50%
Head: 19.2 95%

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