Friday, September 7, 2012


2012-08-21 06.54.48

Our Elise started First Grade!

She was suuuper excited. (If you couldn’t tell) She went and lined up when the bell rang and never looked back. Did I cry? Absolutely not! I’m just not that kind of mom. Smile I don’t think about me, I’m thinking about them. About how much fun they’re going to have, what they are going to learn about. All the cute friends that they will make. I’m learning most mom’s aren’t like this.  Something is wrong with them, it can’t be me! Smile  She really has blossomed so much since starting preschool and she just keeps getting better with age. I do miss having my cute girl around all day, but I look forward to funny stories she tells me when she gets home from school.  We are having a little problem with eating our lunch at school, but that is how Elise is. Food has never been a priority. Were working on it, I know she’ll figure it out soon. 

2012-08-22 08.06.23

Melody started Preschool! She is sooooo excited! She asks me everyday if today is preschool. (She goes Monday, Wednesday, Friday) She has the same teacher that Elise had in preschool, whom we love and adore. She is my fearless girl and walked right into school and never looked back. She can already write the letter M, and tells me every time I pick her up if they got to do a “Bear Hunt” or not. It’s kind of funny how sad she gets when they don’t.

My kids are growing and maturing soooo fast. I think the more kids you have the faster is goes! I’m so happy for them! Seeing them learn and experience new things, watching them connect how things work or how to sound out words. The possibilities are endless! The world is a scary place, but it’s also right at their fingertips! My hope is that they are learning to explore every subject, find out what they love and really learn all they can, to hopefully be a contributing person to society, help others, and make the world a better place. (I know that’s kind of cheesy, but hey, it’s how I feel. Smile

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