Friday, November 9, 2012

What weve been up to...

The women on the Wells, we actually the Bryson side had their yearly SOFAGE. (Sister Out For A Great Escape). We attended Witches Night Out at Gardner Village. The girls were pretty darn excited to dress up. The rest they didn't really get. But it was soooo fun! I decided to channel my inner Heromine, and wear jeans. :)

A good family friend of ours, Dean Bullock was diagnosed with Brain Cancer back in July. He is an avid runner and has done a bunch of Iron Mans. His diagnosis came as quite a shock to most of us. But he does have his Super fit body on his side and the Lord, What more do you need?! He's done with treatment and doing awesome! His awesome 8 kids put a 5k together in his honor, and to also raise money for Huntsman Cancer Hospital. All my "Utah" family joined in and had a grand old time walked or running, or in Brian's case Sprinting and doing the course twice! Brian took 4th over all, that's pretty darn good! It was fun to support the Bullocks and see a lot of other people from my ward I grew up with. (I don't know why Brian isn't in the picture BTW)
This little boy is getting so freaking cute! He's obsesed with his binky and cookies. If he had both those for the rest of his life I think he'd be the happiest person on the planet! He asks for this Youtube video a few times a day and really knows how to bust a move while watching it. He also is hooked on Baby Signing time and has really blossamed with his signs.

Speaking of "call me maybe" versions that are on You Tube. (Which there is A LOT!) our kids have found a new love and appreciation for this one. These are Seminary teachers from Lehi High School. My girls sing this version and the cookie monster version all the time, which are better for their ages anyway. :) Oh and the guy in the suit is our new Bishop, best guy there is! :)

That's a run down of what we've been up to. In case you were wondering.....all 2 of you that check my blog :)

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