Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shirley Temple

So Saturday night I put curlers in Elise's hair, you know so her hair would be so pretty for Sunday. So this is the result, it kind of looks like I electrocuted my daughter. Don't worry though about an hour after I took out the curlers her hair calmed down. It was very cute though, and I guess it is pretty fun to do her hair like that on occasion. I just don't have the energy right now to do that every week. Oh ya the video is to show how bouncy her hair is, Elise herself became extra bouncy when she realized what her hair could do. Enjoy!


Jessica said...

VERY cute! Makes me want to "boing" her curls. Nice work Ann!!

cami said...

So CUTE!! I love it! Makes her look a little older too.

Hayley Neil said...

Oh how cute! The thought of your daughter as Shirley Temple tugs at my heart strings! We had a pretty awesome childhood.

Allie said...

She just gets cuter and cuter, Ann. I love curlers.

Leah and Mike said...

Hey Brian and Ann. This is Mike and Leah Dyer. We found your blog through Brandi's. Your little girl is so cute. And congrats on the the one on the way! Our blog is: www.mldyerfamily.blogspot.com. Glad to see you guys are doing well.

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