Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another Funny Story

Brian suggested I tell you all about my latest "incident." So last Friday Brian and I had a much needed date night, so we went to the Jordan River Temple to attend a session. We were in a hurry to try and make the 7:20 session. Now since I'm 9 months pregnant I don't fit into my temple dress so I had to rent one. Those dresses are huge no matter what size you get! So I got my dress hurried into the locker room got dresses and went to the bathroom. I then realized I forgot my family name back at my locker so I waddled back to my locker and grabbed it. The temple worker then scanned my pink card and I was whisked away into the booth where they give your temple name. The nice temple worker asked how I was doing and these were my exact words. "Fine, now that I have my head on strait." And this was her reply, "Did you know your dress is on backwards?" I turned bright red! Since it was just me and her in this booth I turned my dress around, since the dress is huge I could just turn it around like a t-shirt and still keep my modesty. We laughed about it for a minute then we focused back to the reason we were their. We didn't make the 7:20 session because of me, but at least I have a funny story behind it! And for the record my temple dress zips in the back, so I just assumed this one did too! I hope this story brought a smile to your face! Have a great day.


Tara Jayne said...

Toni did the same thing the other day. She's due in September, only she didn't find out until she was in the chapel. Funny, but embarrassing.

Cami said...

I'm still smiling. That is too funny. 10 more days!!!

Brandi said...

I love these stories, and love it even more that you are so willing to share!

Miranda said...

This definitely brought a smile to my face !!! It is so fun to read your stories. I hope all is well !!!

The Steeds said...

You really have some of the best stories. Thanks for the laugh!

Hayley Neil said...

Nice Ann! I love it! You are hilarious! I went to the temple in my last month too and I had really popped out so I didn't think I would need to rent a gown because only a month earlier mine still fit. Well I had to have one of the ladies come in my locker and help zip me up. The dress went to about the middle of my calves because it was stretched so much around my belly! So embarrassing! Don't you love that there are sweet old ladies in the temple to have a good laugh with ya!

Mr & Mrs Leo & the 4 Little T's said...

Ha ha ha! I love the story! How are you? I know you are ready to pop any day, and wanted to try to send your girls a little something!!! Could you do me a favor and email me your home address at I'm going to try to get it there before the new baby arrives. Hope all is well. Take care, we love you guys...

Jessica said...

So funny that your head was on straight... but not your dress! What an ironic choice of words. Oh and I've done the same thing before... twice, those huge dresses make it hard to tell what goes where!

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