Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hail the conquering graduate!
We are the best looking family!

They are the reason we did all this!
I went to Smiths to get Brian a graduation cake, they didn't have any but they did have a Star Trek cake! I thought it fit pretty well. :0)

So so proud of Moose! We've been working toward this goal for so long, it will be so nice to have you around more.
Love love love you!

P.S. Brian graduated with his Masters in Finance. My husband has a masters, that's so cool!


Kim said...

Congrats. Wish we were done. Maybe sometime soon.
Ann you need to email me again from your email so I can get your email. When you invited me to your blog it came from blogger so I didnt get your email to invite you to mine. You'll get invited when I get an email.

Falen said...

Go Brian! Sorry we couldn't make it to the party - Dont worry though one of these days we will make it to your house (Geez I talk like you live hours away) How are things going anyway??

Brandi said...

YAAAAAAY! What a great accomplishment! Congrats Brian! I'm looking forward to lots of free financial advice in the future. ;) Love you guys!

Jen said...

Congrats Brian!! We definitely know the wonderful feeling of being done with graduate school! It's AWESOME! Love y'all so much and can't wait to see you soon.

Cami said...

Way to go Brian! Now it's time for a graduation trip...maybe to Virginia...(We'll still be here if you change your mind)

Jessica said...

3 cheers for Brian!! How very exciting. Here's to nights at home NOT stressing about homework... it's about time isn't it? Brian is now a super nerd with the Masters degree AND a star trek cake, how fitting.

Launa said...

I am so proud of you! I feel a sense of accomplishment too since I helped get you on that path. I'm thankful to Ann for helping you get through all those study nights and long hours of you not being around. Nice work!You guys are a great team! Go team go! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Congrats Brian!! We're so proud of you and know you work so hard!! I bet that feels awesome to have that done! Only one more year for Matt, then we can celebrate too! :)

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