Thursday, October 8, 2009

Denver @ The Children's Museum

Yay for Fire Safety!

Sorry I'm busy cooking.
I love being a bunny!
Sophie loved this dress up and carried that acorn everywhere!
Artists at work
In a few years (AKA high school) this won't be so fun any more.
This cow was sooooo cool, you could color on it with chalk

Proud grandparents (not to mention cute!)

That night we went to Pasquinies (I have no idea how to spell it) It has really good Italian food. Melody is eating a hunk of crust all by herself. She worked on it for a while too.


Jen said...

What cute pictures! Looks you had a blast!! Miss y'all. Can't wait to see you and the girls in November!

The Steeds said...

Wish that we had a museum as cool as that here-- but alas, we don't, really.

Jessica said...

Glad to see that you got your package. Thanks again for making the trip, it was so fun to have you here!
I have to pay you a compliment, you are such a good mom! Whenever I'm around you I am amazed at how good you are with your kids. Especially at how good you are at getting ready to go, you got yourself, Sophie, Tessa, Melody and Elise all ready while I was still dressing just me!

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