Thursday, November 19, 2009

Feeling Daring!

So I got daring last week (and was also sick of all the brown walls) and decided to paint an accent wall. It was a really small project and I got it done in about 3-4 hours. So here's a before picture back when we moved in.
And After!
What do you think? I really like it, my plan was to paint an accent wall to break up all the brown. (because their is a LOT of brown in my house!) Pretty proud of myself! Thanks Brian for moving all the stuff and thanks Jason for coming over to help paint.


Aryn said...

I'm impressed - painting is such a big job - especially with kids! It looks great Ann!!

Jana and Brett said...

oooo! Love it! :0) Way to be daring.

The Steeds said...

That really looks great! Love it.

Carlee said...

Oooo, I like it! :)

Jessica said...

Good job! You are so brave. You inspire me.

Teandra said...

It looks great, nice color choice!

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