Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Go Cougs!

Friday night, we found out Potter had 2 extra tickets to the BYU game. Brian and his Dad were occuplying the other 2. So we thought we'd give it a try and take Elise.
Our first stop, on our way to the game, was the gas station. Potter can't cross county lines with out a Diet Coke in hand. Plus he let all of us get treats! Elise was confused at first. I think we've taught her the gas station is for getting gas and going to the bathroom. We NEVER get treats at the gas station. Since most the time they are 3 times the price of the grocery store!
Then we headed to the game! :)

Here's a 3 generation picture in the stadium. Brian's Family has had these seats since the stadium was built. No one has EVER owned these seats but the Wells.
Checkin out the game.
Taking in all it...
Then she decided to play with the camera, Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3:)
and shot 4.
Such a silly girl. She really had a fun time. I took her out to get popcorn right before half time and she kept saying the whole time. "I want to go watch football." Dad was SO proud! Plus the weather was great, and the Cougars won! Elise and I must be good luck charms. Because they didn't do so well at all the other games this season:(


Jenny Alama said...

Glad you guys had a fun time and glad the weather was as nice as it was!

Cami said...

She's not too bad with the camera:) Looks like you had a great time!

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