Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2 Points

Just thought I'd pass along 2 things I've come to realize these last few weeks.

#1. Buying the cheaper razors to shave my legs is a bad idea. I tried this a few weeks ago with a razor that was half the price as the Venus Gillet, BIG mistake. I cut myself like I was in 5th grade again and it was my first time! (Yes I started shaving my legs in 5th grade. You would too if you had hairy Ulga Beast legs like it did! Plus I had 3 older brothers that reminded me I had Ulga Beast legs frequently.) Plus I got the worst razor burn on top of all my cuts! After I switched back to my Venus Gillet it was like I could feel my legs going, aaaahhhhhh in relief. So cheaper is not always the better choice.

#2. I've been sick and since I'm slightly limited on what I can take I've been using Breathright nose strips at night to help me breath through my nose. They normally work like a charm. I've tried the Kroger kind that were 1/2 the price and they were lousy! They left a sticky residue on my nose. So I tried the Western Family brand hoping they would be a little better than the Kroger. NOPE! They were worse! They also left a sticky residue on my nose plus I have a rash on my nose. So again Cheaper is not always better. After my rash goes away I'm definitely going back to my normal Breathrights.

So moral of the stories, cheaper is NOT always the best choice. In case you were wondering. :)

1 comment:

Carlee said...

Oh man, so true. The lady at my office who orders office supplies doesn't believe in that. We have to try every crappy pen, tape roll and more before we can get the stuff that works!

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