He had his 4 month appointment, and I was shocked at his stats!
Height: 26.6 inches (95%+)
Weight: 15.3 lbs (90%)
Head: 17.2 inches (90%)
DANG! I knew he was big, but I have been questioning if he's getting enough. I guess this proves he's doing just fine. :)
I LOVE this age, I love starting solids. I love watching their faces as they figure out what to do with this stuff. I think it's such a fun way to bond with your baby. I love putting them on a blanket and letting them roll around. They still aren't quiet mobile so life is pretty good ;)
He is quiet the "Little Brian," in many ways.
Ray was fussing while he was on the floor, so the girls gave him all the stuff that helps them feel better. Poor guys is surrounded by girl stuff. Still a sweet gesture. :)
Way to grow Ray! I love the picture of him and Brian sleeping, so perfect arm position and everything. Our boys will both get plenty of mothering won't they?
Little Ray is getting SO BIG! I wish we could see y'all more! Gavin misses his cousins! He sure is cute! What big helpers you have. Gavin tries but most of the time I have to save Ellie from being smothered! :)
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