Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy 1/2 a year!

Ray Ray turned 6 months! Crazy! My big boy is getting even bigger!

I can't find the paper that had his weight and height on it, but I do remember the %'s.

Head: 90%

Height: 90%

Weight: 50%

How can you not love that face!?

Ray is a joy in our lives. I love how his whole face light up when we smiles. He's getting more wiggly and grabby by the day.

Look how much he's changed. He's now a Blondie for one thing, and his face has really filled out.


Jessica said...

We cut Jacob's hair last night and he looks blonder now too, not as blonde as Ray though. He's a cute baby! I love the newborn picture too.

Teandra said...

cute, cute, cute! They grow so fast.

Cami said...

Can't believe he's getting so big! Such a handsome little guy!

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