Friday, August 1, 2008

Holy Dang!

Now I think it's my job as a mother to brag about my children, I try not to go overboard because I don't want to come off annoying. But I am proud to say Elise's hair is long enough to french braid! (I know lame post but I think it's cool) I actually took these pictures before she turned 2 but then forgot. Elise has always had amazing hair, and it's about down to her mid back. Her hair is just one of her many amazing features!


Jessica said...

Impressive! That is very exciting, I'm the same way whenever Sophie's hair reaches another "milestone" so brag away!

Cami said...

I didn't know what to expect from a title like that! Her hair really is amazing. I hope I can have girls someday with cute, long hair like hers so I can do all kinds of cute hair-dos. so much fun.

Hayley Neil said...

She has her mama's hair for sure! Long, blond, thick, shiny, and beautiful! What a doll!

The Steeds said...

That is great! Her hair is really cute. I am in some serious trouble if I should have a girl someday. I have no idea how to do hair.

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