Thursday, November 6, 2008

Picture Tag

You to take the fourth picture folder and post the fourth picture in that folder. Then you take the sixth folder and post the sixth picture in that folder. Explain the pictures and then send the tag along.
So this is the 6th picture. This is a picture of my Mom and Dad waiting to get on the plane to go on our cruise. That was an awesome trip!

This is the 4th picture. This is my BFF Bethy wakeboarding at East Canyon. We used to do this every year but life has now gotten in the way so we both just try our best to get together when we can.
And there you go!
I tag Jenny, Launa, Jen, & Katie.


Launa said...

Picture tag now? I just learned what tagging is. Now to manage adding a picture. Ok. I'm up for a challenge.

Cami said...

What fun memories!

THE RIGBY'S said...

Heres the explanation. My sis-in-law is the one that tagged me. I was having a difficult time thinking of things to put so I just took some from hers. LOL

Hayley Neil said...

ow ow Bethany!

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