Monday, November 22, 2010

Guess what.....

So for all 2 of you out there that doesn't know, # 3 is on the way! :) Due June 6th. I know what most of you are thinking, are we hoping for a boy? We are hoping for a cute healthy baby (which so far we've been good at doing) Would we love a boy? Of course. Would we love a girl? Absolutely! If it's another girl all the clothes would be in the same season as Elise and Melody so we'd only have to buy diapers. If it's a boy we'd have to start over in a few areas. :) But that's ok if I "have to" go shopping :) So please don't ask us either way :) So far this pregnancy has been the "easiest," compared to my other 2. I've been sick and tired, but no throwing up (Knock on wood!) My SIL Jessica sent me a link to the Chinese calendar and according to it were having a boy. BUT according to Elise she insists it's a sister. When we ask her, "what if it's a brother?" She will adamantly say, "No! It's a girl, a sister!" So we'll see who's right.:)

I had my first doctors appointment today, the baby gave us a little scare but everything looks great now. When they tried to do the "mini" ultra sound in the doctors office they couldn't get a good image, as in it looked like a blob when it should slightly look like a baby. Plus they couldn't get a heartbeat. So they sent me in for a actual "big" ultrasound. After many tries they were finally able to see a very wiggly baby with a great heartbeat. My uterus is pretty tipped which at this stage of pregnancy makes it really hard to get a good angle. So so so thankful our baby is doing well, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come with this baby. You know scaring Mom and Dad half to death! :)

Hearing the heartbeat was one of the BEST sounds I've ever heard.

Cute baby, not a blob:)


Kristy said...

That is most definately a cute baby, NOT a blob! We're so excited for you guys! Good luck with everything!

Carlee said...

Hey, hey, congratulations! :)

Royce and Annika said...

Yipee!! That's so exciting. Glad everything looks good!

Shelly said...

Wahoo! Congrats!

The Steeds said...

Congrats! That is so great!

Jessica said...

So glad HE is ok (just kidding, no idea of the gender of course, but I have a 50/50 chance eh?). That would be scary!

Aryn said...

I'm a little slow at reading this!! Shesh! Congrats on #3 - so glad she/he is looking healthy!

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