So for all 2 of you out there that doesn't know, # 3 is on the way! :) Due June 6
th. I know what most of you are thinking, are we hoping for a boy? We are hoping for a cute healthy baby (which so far we've been good at doing) Would we love a boy? Of course. Would we love a girl?
Absolutely! If it's another girl all the clothes would be in the same season as Elise and Melody so we'd only have to buy diapers. If it's a boy we'd have to start over in a few areas. :) But that's
ok if I "have to" go shopping :) So please don't ask us either way :) So far this pregnancy has been the "easiest," compared to my other 2. I've been sick and tired, but no throwing up (Knock on wood!) My
SIL Jessica sent me a link to the
Chinese calendar and according to it were having a boy. BUT according to Elise she insists it's a sister. When we ask her, "what if it's a brother?" She will
adamantly say, "No! It's a girl, a sister!" So we'll see who's right.:)
I had my first doctors appointment today, the baby gave us a little scare but everything looks great now. When they tried to do the "mini" ultra sound in the doctors office they couldn't get a good image, as in it looked like a
blob when it should slightly look like a baby. Plus they couldn't get a heartbeat. So they sent me in for a actual "big" ultrasound. After many tries they were finally able to see a very wiggly baby with a great heartbeat. My
uterus is pretty tipped which at this stage of pregnancy makes it really hard to get a good angle. So so so thankful our baby is doing well, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come with this baby. You know scaring Mom and Dad half to death! :)
Hearing the heartbeat was one of the BEST sounds I've ever heard.
Cute baby, not a blob:)
That is most definately a cute baby, NOT a blob! We're so excited for you guys! Good luck with everything!
Hey, hey, congratulations! :)
Yipee!! That's so exciting. Glad everything looks good!
Wahoo! Congrats!
Congrats! That is so great!
So glad HE is ok (just kidding, no idea of the gender of course, but I have a 50/50 chance eh?). That would be scary!
I'm a little slow at reading this!! Shesh! Congrats on #3 - so glad she/he is looking healthy!
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