Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snails, Nails and Puppy Dog Tails!

The Chapman Streak is over, were having a boy! Still trying to take it all in. We brought Elise and Melody to the ultra sound to help them feel involved and some what understand what was going on. Plus Elise kept insisting it was a girl so if she didn't like the fact it was a boy she could yell at the tech. :) After we found out it was a boy Elise asked if we could change it, then she said that the next baby would be a girl. Sorry sweetheart but lets just focus on this baby right now. :) Were super excited to get a boy. But I will admit I'm scared that I'm going to get peed on. :)
The name were going with, and Elise likes is Ray. His full name will be
Raymond Brian Wells
Raymond is a family name. It's my Grandpa Holloway's name, all though I never got the chance to meet him. He raised my mom all by himself and was a great man. Plus It's also my Dad's middle name. 2 great men. Elise likes Ray because it's from Princess and the Frog. And Brian deserves to be named after his first son, he's been through enough girly ness. :)

His junk.

Creepy Alien face and his cute profile.

On a serious note. I have placenta Previa AGAIN. This time instead of being close to the cervix it's right next to the cervix almost on top. Great! (Sense my sarcasm?) So we'll have to do more ultra sounds as we get closer and possibly do a c-section. We'll just have to wait and see...


Royce and Annika said...

Congrats! And don't worry, I've only been peed on a couple times . . .

Becky said...

Congrats! I'm still laughing at the photo labeled "His junk" Bahaha!

The Steeds said...

That is so great! We love boys over here.

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