Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 Week Ultrasound

Just had my 30 week ultrasound. Everything looks great, Baby Ray was very active (Which I know where he gets that from, cough cough Brain!). Plus I'm measuring right on. The placenta has started to move! Now instead of it right on top of the cervix it's right next to! Wahoo! So if all goes well as I grow bigger it should move out of the way in time. But I know there is still a chance it might not. So I'm keeping the positive vibs coming! Even my pessimistic doctor said it's looking like I won't need a c-section! That's a big deal! So at 36 weeks we'll do another ultrasound and see where it's at. Very very happy and excited about this news.


Katies Korner said...

So glad to hear that! I will keep praying for you!

Teandra said...

yay! i'll keep sending my good vibes ;)

Jen said...

YAY!!!!!!!! SO happy! I'll send my good vibes your way!

Jessica said...

What wonderful news! Which way does it need to migrate? I think I would try and lean that way most of the time and definitely sleep on that side, you know, just to encourage that placenta to do what it needs to do. :) We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.

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