Saturday, April 16, 2011

Never say never..

Lets see..... 2 things happened this week that Brian or I vowed we'd never do, or we'd never do again.

#1. A prego picture of me! I just love how the flash blocks my face, I'm such an armature photographer. But this is me at 33 weeks. I feel big and I have quiet the waddle going on. But the consensus with all my friends and family and strangers is that I'm not that big. Hmmmm I still don't believe them.

Now for #2, the second "never say never." Brian vowed he'd never do Wayne's coating again after the bad experience we had with Melody's room. Heck I think I vowed too, but I got amnesia after 2 years and begged Brian if we could put it in our half bath. I think he gave in because of my pregnantness.:) Whatever works!

I saw this saying online and thought is was very appropriate for our bathroom :)
I love it! I think it turned out great! We have maybe one questionable spot, but I will deal with it!

Huge shout out to my Moose! I take it back when I told you a few years ago that your weren't handy. You are the handy man! :)


Jessica said...

Your belly looks very cute, not big at all! But we always feel huge I think. Cute saying that's funny, I've seen similar but never with the "shorter than you think" comment, that's too funny.
The wainscotting (sp?) looks fantastic, I'm a big fan. Nice work Brian!
When are you posting pictures of Ray's room? I can't wait to see!

Tina Tuakoi said...

You look GREAT Ann! I love you bathroom as well. When are you due? :)

Teandra said...

You look great and so does the bathroom! I want to do that to ours

Cami said...

I love seeing Prego pictures! Keep 'em coming. Love the bathroom, too. I'm a sucker for wainscoting. It adds so much to a room.

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