Elise and Lily. Lily insisted on staying so she could watch Elise dance. Such a great friend!
As is the custom, you get ice cream after you dance really we'll. So we enjoyed some dippin dots in the warmer weather.
Elise did really good and tried hard to follow her teacher. She was so excited that morning, I think she put her costume on around 8:30. We didn't have to leave until 10:30. It makes all the hassle worth it when you see the excitement on her face.
The day before, Elise's preschool class did a little Mother's Day program. So so fun and cute! They sang us some songs and gave us a plant. He teacher also asked them questions about their mom and wrote them down for us. This made me a little nervous, since you never know what they might say. Here are the questions and answers for your enjoyment:)
-My Mom looks pretty when: She loves me
-My mom's favorite food is: Cereal
-She is happy when: I practice my "s" and "e" (we've been working hard on those for a few weeks now, and I'm proud to say she rocks at her "s" and "e"!)
-The question was originally -My mom is ____ years old. But Elise just said "My mom is not old." (Good girl!)
- If my mom could go anywhere she would go: take me to my friends to play
-Her best friend is: Her mom (awwww)
-Her job is: to love me so much that I get to go see Disneyland. (That's my girl!)
-I love my mother because: I love my mommy because she love me so much.
Oh how I love this girl! I guess this "growing up thing" is ok if she keeps up these cute things!
P.S. If you didn't notice we also have whacked Elise's hair. She again had enough to donate, this is her second time donating to locks of love. I love my girls cute bob's, and it's so nice to comb their hair now.
I love the cute bobs on little girls too! Your girls are especially cute :)
it would be fun to be a dance judge. what a cool opportunity
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