Well that dreadful day has come and gone, and you know what.... it really wasn't that bad! Not sure what I'm talking about? Well Melody was born with a cyst in the front of her mouth. Naturally we needed to have it removed since it would be in the way of her teeth and it was kind of ugly. So on Friday bright and early we headed to Primary Children's. We really had a great experience. You can see in the pictures she had a little mini hospital gown, and they let us walk her to the OR doors. She did do the saddest face though when we had to give her to the anaesthesiologist and say good bye. :( But the surgery was only 45 minutes!
She was super groggy though when they let us see her. She couldn't go home until she had about 4 oz. of clear liquid and was some what alert. So we had to poke her for about an hour before she would do anything. It was kind of funny though to see her try and suck on the bottle. She was numb, and I'm guessing it's kind of like after you get a cavity filled. Your telling your mouth to suck but it wont respond.
So after we took her home we were expecting a fussy screaming child, but she's been great! We were able to go to a Halloween party and the zoo and she never acted in pain.
So after we took her home we were expecting a fussy screaming child, but she's been great! We were able to go to a Halloween party and the zoo and she never acted in pain.
And now we have a happy baby!
We love you Melody and are so happy your surgery went so well!