Happy 9 months to my Melody!
As you can see she is the Happiest baby ever!
She went to the doctor yesterday for her 9 month check up, the only thing they could find wrong was that she had a ear infection :(
But other than that the NP (nurse practitioner) was very impressed and happy to see where Melody is developmentally and surprised where she is at physically.
Here's the stats:
Height: 29.4" (95%)
Weight: 18.7 lbs (50%)
Head circ: 17" (25%)
I pulled out Elise's 9 month stats and they are almost exactly the same. They are an ounce different in weight and I think 1/4 inch difference in height! Crazy! I'm told on a daily basis how tall my kids are. They are in the size double they're age. Elise is 2 and in a 4T. Melody is 9 months and in 18 month clothing. I sure hope they like playing basketball or volleyball, they'll sure fit in their!
But back to Melody.... she is crawling, feeding herself, clapping, saying mama and dada and just loves eye contact with anyone! She is really the best baby. I've been blessed with 2 pretty mello children, I'm kind of afraid to keep having more kids. I'm bound to have 1 hellion! But I'll just keep enjoying my girls for now. :)