Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oooooh ooooooh LETS GO FLY A KITE!

Elise has been dying to fly a kite these last few days, and we just happened to have the worlds best kite flyer coming into town! Uncle Matt! (AKA Mac a Mac)

He tried a new technique this time, a fishing pole! It worked great, the girls were able to hold on really easily.

We had to document Elise being daring, this is a rare occasion!

After kite flying we stopped to visit Great Aunt Doris at her new assisted living center. The girls discovered the TV in the common area. I think they were watching Legally Blonde. During the day we had our yearly cousins camp, but I had 2 photographers there so I never pulled out my camera. When they post those pictures on their blogs I'll steal them and put them up for your enjoyment. :o)

Schooooools out for Summer!

Elise has officially graduated from preschool! She's still trying to get the concept of no school for 3 months and going to kindergarten at the big school. This is Elise with her teacher Mrs. Wilde, whom she LOVES to death! They sent home a report card at the end of the year and she passed off almost everything with flying colors. We still need to work on writing our numbers a little more. But everything else looked great! I love this age because they are like little sponges that are so happy to learn and soak in all they can. She has one more book to pass off and she'll be reading at a first grade level. The scary thing is now it's my job to keep up all these things she's learned until kindergarten! So proud of my Elise! She's too smart for her own good sometimes :)

Sometimes I Feel Like Dancin!

Elise had her final dance recital. She of course ROCKED and was so excited to show us her stuff.

After words we got Frozen Yogurt at Yogurt Bliss. We learned we still need to call it ice cream or Elise will really get upset. It's all ice cream in her book! ;0) Here is our biker chick on Jenny and Fez's bike, tutu and all. :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Back Seat Driver

Elise is turning into a back seat driver. I was just taking her and her friend to preschool, and we were driving down SR-73. The car in front of us was going about 5 under the speed limit. She was telling me to "go faster, go faster!" I told her I couldn't because there is a car in front of us. She didn't even skip a beat, and told me to "Go around them!" Ummmm thanks for the advice, my 4 year old! Easier said than done.:) I'm in for a load of trouble!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My shnoze!

On Wednesday I was having a pretty good day. I had carpool for preschool and then Melody and I came home. I was on the computer and she kept wanting me to come sit with her and watch her show. So I got off the computer for some good old snuggle time. Now with my huge 37 week prego belly snuggling isn't the easiest thing. I tried to get her to snuggle to the side of me but she wasn't having any of that! Melody (being my child, meaning she knows what she wants and don't stand in her way!) sat right in the middle of the my lap and kept wiggling trying to find a comfy spot with my belly in the way. Then out of no where she jumped up while I was looking down. WHAMO! Her head went right into my nose. I heard and felt a crack! It hurt soooo bad! Melody started to cry, (I hope her head hurt too!) I think she was upset to see Mommy in pain too. I couldn't stop crying. So I tried texting Brian, because I knew I would cry harder if I had to talk to him. (I blame hormones :) I eventually had to talk to him and the water works really started. Plus my Mom happened to have called too and I started crying more. Dang hormones! Brian left work when my nose started to bleed. I had to pick up kids at preschool so I sucked it up and picked up kiddos. But when Brian got home I decided to head to instacare. The doc there didn't want to x-ray me, since I was pregnant. He just said to come back in a few weeks if it was still bothering me. But I know it's safe to have x-rays when your pregnant, I've have dental x-rays this pregnancy and my doctor said it was fine as long as I had the lead vest on. So I insisted on getting them done NOW! He finally agreed and off I went. One of the positions they wanted me in to take the x-ray was on my belly, that was interesting trying to get. But after the doc looked at my x-rays he said, "Oh, I guess it is broken after all, and you have a deviated septum too" Oh brother, thanks a lot! He really couldn't give me any more advice, other than to go see an ear, nose, and throat doc. The rest of that day I had quiet the head ache and just tried to rest and ice my nose. My friend Kristy called me (not knowing what had happened) and asked if I had a cold. Nope, just broke my nose! :) I got into the ENT doc the next day, he poked and hurt me. (and I paid him to do that!) But said nothing was displaced, just a crack down my nose, and the deviated septum looked ok. I could breath through my nose just fine. I'm sooooo happy he didn't have to put anything back in place. I guess they would normally sedate you for that, but being pregnant they couldn't do that. So they would just have to numb my nose as best they could and I'd grin and bare it! Such a blessing that it was minor. I just have to live with a swollen and bruised nose for a few weeks. I tried taking pictures but you really can't tell a difference. I know when it comes to broken noses I'm really lucky. It's been about 5 days and it still is soar and slightly discolored. But I'm on the mend, just in time for my C-section! Brian and I were thinking back, and since January we've had a strange medical year.....and it's not even June! Lets hope and pray this was the tip of the iceberg and we'll have nothing but smooth sailing for the rest of the year!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ray's Room

It's done, it's done! It's finally done! I've been waiting for about a month to get his quilt back from the quilters. That was the last finishing touch.
I'm really glad I added splashes of orange, since he's Brian's child :)

Were planning on putting the lazy boy in his room by the window but right now it's still in our room.

I'm really happy with how it turned out. One less thing to worry about. Now I just need to worry about having a boy! EEK!

P.S. If you didn't catch on, his room is an animal theme. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ahhh phewy!

Just had my 36 week ultra sound, and despite what the doctor thought (and myself) the placenta hasn't moved at all! Not a millimeter! Poopy I know! So were back to a c-section, right now it's June 1st but Brian thinks June 3rd will work better for him and his work schedule. So it might be pushed 2 more days, we'll see. He's also weighing about 7 pounds right now! YIKES! So we might have a big boy on our hands. Which is funny because EVERYONE says I look small, I guess he's just in every nook and cranny of me. I'm trying to stay positive, just be grateful he's healthy and that Heavenly Father has blessed us with another baby. But I can't help but think this kid is trouble before he even arrives. :) We'll he actually is being really good it's just the dang placenta that's trouble. Either way I'm excited to have another baby and I know I'll get through it because THOUSANDS of women have gone through it too and survived. Happy Thoughts!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

All about Elise!

This little girl has really kept her mom and dad busy! Elise had her first dance competition on Saturday. It was at good old Lagoon. Brian and I each have many fond memories of dance competitons at Lagoon. So it was really fun to see Elise dancing on the stage we've both danced on many times. Brian has gone to the Lagoon clogging competitions since he was about 8 years old and he hasn't missed one since (minus when he was on his mission). A few years back we didn't have a reason to go since he wasn't dancing or anyone in his family, but the next day they called and asked if he could come judge. He's judged for about 3 years now. Kind of funny when we thought we were done going things just keep sucking us back in. :)

Elise and Lily. Lily insisted on staying so she could watch Elise dance. Such a great friend!

As is the custom, you get ice cream after you dance really we'll. So we enjoyed some dippin dots in the warmer weather.

Elise did really good and tried hard to follow her teacher. She was so excited that morning, I think she put her costume on around 8:30. We didn't have to leave until 10:30. It makes all the hassle worth it when you see the excitement on her face.

The day before, Elise's preschool class did a little Mother's Day program. So so fun and cute! They sang us some songs and gave us a plant. He teacher also asked them questions about their mom and wrote them down for us. This made me a little nervous, since you never know what they might say. Here are the questions and answers for your enjoyment:)

-My Mom looks pretty when: She loves me

-My mom's favorite food is: Cereal

-She is happy when: I practice my "s" and "e" (we've been working hard on those for a few weeks now, and I'm proud to say she rocks at her "s" and "e"!)

-The question was originally -My mom is ____ years old. But Elise just said "My mom is not old." (Good girl!)

- If my mom could go anywhere she would go: take me to my friends to play

-Her best friend is: Her mom (awwww)

-Her job is: to love me so much that I get to go see Disneyland. (That's my girl!)

-I love my mother because: I love my mommy because she love me so much.

Oh how I love this girl! I guess this "growing up thing" is ok if she keeps up these cute things!

P.S. If you didn't notice we also have whacked Elise's hair. She again had enough to donate, this is her second time donating to locks of love. I love my girls cute bob's, and it's so nice to comb their hair now.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Late Easter

Easter was a blast! We went to AZ for this little girl. Elena (Ellie) Faith Wells was blessed. But the best part, was I got to fly there! Brian drove with the girls and his family 12+ hours and I had an hour and a half flight. My doctor said I couldn't go unless I flew, since I was almost 34 weeks plus the placenta previa. Can't go against doctors orders. :)

We dyed Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt.

Went to the Dino Museum!

Picnic and the Easter Egg Hunt!

We also went to the Mesa Temple for the Easter pageant, which never disappoints. And the kids did get a visit from the Easter Bunny, but we woke up at 6 am on Easter to head back home so the camera didn't make it out. Just think of the stuff you see in the Target dollar bins and that's what the Easter Bunny gave them. :)

It was so great to finally meet Ellie, such a sweet and happy baby. Makes me so excited for our little guy to arrive.

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